Healthwatch BNSSG's terms of reference for the Finance and Resources Committee

The Finance Committee is responsible to the Management Board. The committee's role includes ensuring Healthwatch BSSNG operates appropriate financial and accounting policies, and assessing the financial performance of Healthwatch BNSSG.

The Finance Committee's duties and responsibilities include:

  • To review Healthwatch BNSSG annual budget, financial forecasts, and annual or interim financial statements, and monitor operational financial performance against Delivery Plan, and to review Reserve levels
  • To recommend changes to financial policies or controls
  • To make recommendations to the Board of Trustees on any proposals that have a financial impact
  • To report errors, omissions and breaches of Healthwatch BNSSG contracts, issues concerning compliance with financial management policy and other significant financial matters to the t Board of Trustees
  • To satisfy itself that appropriate arrangements exist to identify significant financial risks.
  • To review the appointment of an Independent Assessor on a regular basis and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees, and to work with the appointed Examiner to produce the Annual Accounts
  • To review annually and agree the remuneration levels of staff and any exceptional payments to Trustees as appropriate under the Articles of Association.
  • To support and review the proactive management of Healthwatch BNSSG’s contracts
  • To oversee the funds and any claims against the organisation arising in relation to Employee or other issues
  • To investigate any activity within its role. It is authorised to seek any financial information it requires from any member of staff, and all members of staff are directed to co-operate with any request made by the Committee.
  • To obtain outside legal or other independent professional advice and to secure the attendance of outsiders with relevant experience and expertise if it considers this necessary

You can download the full terms of reference below.


Terms of reference of Finance and Resources Committee

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